Shariefuddin Pirzada

Department of Mathematics
University of Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir 190006



Graph Theory

Ashay Dharwadker and Shariefuddin Pirzada

Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics, Amazon Books, 2008
ISBN 1466254998

This text offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date presentation available on the fundamental topics in graph theory. It develops a thorough understanding of the structure of graphs, the techniques used to analyze problems in graph theory and the uses of graph theoretical algorithms in mathematics, engineering and computer science. The climax of the book is a new proof of the famous four colour theorem.


Applications of Graph Theory

Ashay Dharwadker and Shariefuddin Pirzada

Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics, Amazon Books, 2007
ISBN 1466397098

New graph theoretical proofs of Fermat's Little Theorem and the Nielson-Schreier Theorem. Applications of minimum vertex covers in graphs to DNA sequencing (the SNP assembly problem) and computer network security (worm propagation). We show how to apply edge coloring and matching in graphs for scheduling (the timetabling problem) and vertex coloring in graphs for map coloring and the assignment of frequencies in GSM mobile phone networks. We revisit the classical problem of finding re-entrant knight's tours on a chessboard using Hamiltonian circuits in graphs.